You are half-way through your project. How is it going? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned? What are you doing to ensure a successful completion of your internship project.
Funny you should ask, I pretty much completed it, in a sense the websites are ready for the research teams. It's just that in the months of warning they never really got their content ready. So, it's just become a waiting game. I've also completed a few tutorials and how to's for the IT department. A big challenge I faced was the learning curve that comes with programming, it's difficult to retain what you've learned unless it's actually needed for the project. I've learned a bit about php and html but not nearly enough to write a full script without referencing. Since I completed my project I've been talking with my mentor to polish it and work on other smaller tasks until the content is produced.
Choose your favorite photos from your photo essay—post these highlight photo and a caption explaining what we see and what makes this significant to you.
This is the master key I have to carry around if I leave my office, it's attached to a 300 lb resistance bike shock by a cut usb cable. I always get the weirdest stares when I carry it around.
This is the "thinking cap" the bulb lights up the fan spins, and so does Jackie Chan. Because every good idea begins with Jackie Chan. That Jackie Chan came from my birthday cake when I was little.

This is the hallway to the closest bathroom, I drink too many liquids and frequently visit it. Coincidentally it is one of the most quiet hallways, and they laid down this annoying sheet of plastic for some reason. Every time you make a step it sounds like sizzling bacon.