How did this Icon become important to you?
Dr.Tran started out as a nonsensical cartoon with a stereotypical asian child being bothered by a stereotypical commercial narrator. But as crass, rude, and nonsensical the humor is, I remembered this came from the internet, therefore it is internet humor. And eventually I warmed up to it and showed it to my friends, we then instantly started to quote the cartoon endlessly. As ironic and hypocritical as it is, looking past everything I still find this funny.
What does this Icon represent to you? Why?
As my friends and I recited the lines from Dr.Tran, I started to realize: has this generation's sense of humor become so tasteless that we have to quote lines from something that doesn't make the slightest effort to be clever; but instead throws stupidity at your psyche until you laugh from the numbness of your brain cell loss? And in a way this series makes fun of the American dream; where having endless material possessions while living with a constant bombardment of corporate advertising is the idea of happiness. He also embodies the stereotypical pressures of being Asian, having everybody expect you to be insanely smart and good at everything. (except driving)
What or who are the other icons related to this one?
One of them would have to be cartoon network. But instead of just a degradation in the sense of humor they also have degradation pf a sense of moral ethic. I remember shows like "Hey Arnold!" and remember they taught pretty important moral lessons through entertainment; nowadays its just about entertainment for entertainment's sake. Since Dr.Tran draws from the stereotypes placed on Asian children, people like Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee can be connected. Both of those actors made way for Asian culture in America, even though they helped enforce certain stereotypes they still showed that a small-time person of Asian descent can still do great things. To be literal, actual Asian doctors in Britain saved their National Health Service program http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3239540.stm . If I wanted to be more figurative I could connect him to commercialism and the manipulation of consumers.
Here is the
video that started it all *warning, contains offensive American humor as well as American sexual jokes and cursing*
Bruce Lee
Who and what did this Icon inspire?Bruce Lee helped make way for Asians to be accepted onto the big screen, and helped to erase social stereotypes and inspire other Asians to pursue careers of a higher social status. He also made martial arts movies popular and inspired future martial arts movie stars; and in turn made martial arts popular.
What does this Icon represent to you? Why?Not only Bruce Lee, but people like Michael Jackson helped to break down racial barriers in the entertainment industry. So you could say Bruce Lee embodies the hope that with determination and the right planning you can achieve great things.
How did this Icon become important to you?Bruce Lee was the inspiration for me to get into martial arts, but instead of just learning how to open a can of whoop-arse, I also learned valuable principles like respect and control.
The Stage
What does this Icon represent to you? Why?
The stage represents the world, and is a constant reminder that every action will affect how a scene is played out. Almost like a divine comedy, but with a twist, everybody has the freedom to choose their role. And like a story each person's life will tell a of song and dance, drifting in and out of the sweet and breaking down into the bitter, having a dance of joy then collapsing into a slump. And like a play, characters eventually meet others and so it goes from there.
How did this Icon become important to you?
I like to dance various styles of hard dance and like all arts, it's meant to be shared with others. But the floor just became a travelling stage, as long as there was ground, and some music. And even if a person does not dance or sing or paint, their personal plays intermingle and become woven with all they choose to share it with. I feel that the most when I think of my future career in the medical field, whichever discipline I choose I will be on the world's stage. Whether I fail or succeed is up to me. Asides from this, the stage is the birthplace of entertainment, and the tool which Shakespeare used to bring his creations to life.
How did this Icon become important in American culture?
As early as the first pilgrims who brought along musical instruments and song during colonization to vaudeville acts that traveled to entertain American pioneers who expanded into the west.