1. What aspect of the American Icons artist statement has been most successful for you? Why?
I haven't really done an artist statement this way, where the statement was done before the actual art. And I haven't really used most of the writing tips that we had to implement in this piece before. So I would have to say the learning process would have to be the most successful part of the artist statement.
2. What writing tip(s) have been the most helpful? Why?
Make meaning early has been the most helpful because I tend to make sentences too complicated to the point where they lose meaning. So I feel that helped me to become a better writer through that. Another strategy to merge 2 similar sentences and save space also really helped me along with the writing process.
3. What aspect of the artist statement has been most challenging? Why?
The one page limit has been the most challenging for me because I wanted to fit in not just my connection to my icon, but the moral degradation of America along with stereotypes and connect this to another icon. But I never got it to the point where I accomplished that. (yet)
4. What writing tip is most challenging? Why?
So far it has to be watch your adverbs. Since we didn't go over it the day it was supposed to be presented but from what I saw I do that a lot. Where I use an adverb that takes away the impact of the verb. I adopted a writing style where I expound by going over details and then expound on those details, and I tend to use a lot of adverbs to accomplish that.
5. Post a section of your writing that you are currently working on. List at least three questions that, if answered, would help you improve your work.
That very thought echoed in my head, and as I passed by a group of young kids in front of a computer watching Dr.Tran. I recognized his tiny voice yell “EVERYTHING’S F******* WONDERFUL!!” I walked up to the group. Asked if I could show them something cool, I proceeded to put on an episode of the original Pokemon. The children watched intently. I walked away thinking Pokemon wasn’t the answer to America’s problems, but it’s a start.
1. What aspect of this paragraph takes away from the rest of the piece?
2. How can I keep the shotgun rule while keeping it relevant and still make an impact?
3. Should I keep the small anecdote and change it or make a literal statement?
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